Friday, July 16, 2004

Invasion of the Family Campers

I got a call from the brother on Wednesday, let's call him the Professor. He was supposed to be camping in Yosemite with Cousin #1 and the Roommate, but due to fires near the campsite they decided to come up and visit me instead. It has been fun, and crazy, and they will be the death of me one of these days. And boy can those three eat. The Professor and Cousin #1 are the skinniest boys I know and yet they can pack it away like nobody's business. The Roommate, well, she is even smaller than they are but she could win a pie eating contest against them, no doubt.
Something is up with MUNI today. The bus was late and when it did arrive it was only going to Bryant Street. We all had to transfer to what they call 'motor coaches'. These are the gas guzzling busses that have the accordion fold in the middle and plenty of room for everyone. I guess on a good day I'd call the 'motor coach' a little slice of heaven.
We soon found out why we were re-rerouted onto the other busses. The intersection right next to my building was roped off, PG&E and MUNI people were all there, and cranes and yellow caution tape... and the electricity poles were all leaning in towards the street, as if someone had pushed one and it had dominoed all the others. Of course, my first reaction was: Is it going to be like this all day, will I be able to get home, what if I want to take a walk or get a sandwich?
But it is still early and I'll probably hide inside for a while.
The family leaves for Northern climes today. If you see them, say hello.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel, Glad to hear you survived the visit. At least they were able to shower before 2.5 weeks were up.

Cousin #2

2:16 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Cousin #2, you know it's a number ranking by age only, right? I love you, and wish you were here too!

2:38 PM  

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