Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Bus Report #1017

Back on the bus after an extended trip back east for the holiday and my sister's wedding.
Monday morning, Tasha behind the wheel. At Geary the mom with the two sons got on, sat right in front of me. We exchanged our good mornings. I asked how Thanksgiving was.
She smiled. "We ate so much food. Too much! And my mom, she made tamales, and they are so good."
"That sounds amazing," I told her.

Further along our route, the giant genie. Settling into his seat with his coffee and his oatmeal, his lotion, the dandy brush. His nail polish a subtle purple grey. He looks up from the oatmeal and smiles, and I almost die right there in my seat. Giant genie! Giant genie!

The cat in the window on 18th looks down on our bus and flicks his tail. We are all his subjects, and he knows it.


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