Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bus Report #1096

 I was thinking about Roman the other day - DHL delivery guy turned bus driver. I hadn't seen him in a while and he popped up in my mind after receiving a DHL package at work.

Yesterday I was running errands around town. Bussed it to my garden plot to put in tomatoes and cilantro, then I wandered down the street to catch a Haight Street bus.

Imagine my surprise when I got on, and the driver was Roman!
He grinned, a big smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes, and said, "hey there you!"

I smiled back. "I was just thinking of you," I said. "great to see you."

We chatted, Roman reminiscing about the old days. "I've probably known you for what, 20 years?" he asked, as we pulled into traffic.

"At least," I replied. "The good old days."

"Well, you look good," he told me. I thanked him and repaid the compliment.

When it was time to jump out and catch my connecting bus, we waved at each other until the bus moved out of view.


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