Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bus Report #1097

 Sometimes people just want to connect.

A simple thing but we forget about it, don't we? 

I was waiting for the bus the other afternoon, downtown after a quick jaunt to our new IKEA. Market Street at 4th, not for the faint of heart on the best of days. But that's city life, right? Tourists with their backpacks and water bottles, delivery guys zipping around on scooters, unstable folks yelling and standing in the middle of the street.

A man crossed Market and came to wait in the bus stop. Older guy, dreads of varying lengths and thicknesses, carrying a couple shopping bags. I smiled. Old people are my weakness. Old people by themselves, my weakness' weakness.

"Ohhhhhh boy its cold," he said, whistling a bit. Semi toothless. Gorgeous brown eyes. Eyes with heart.

"It sure is," I said, "But we like it this way, don't we?"

He laughed. Stood closer to me than I'd normally like, but I didn't mind. "You bet," he said. "This is much better than the hot weather."

I gestured towards a tourist family in their shorts and sandals and the ubiquitous San Francisco zip up jackets always available for purchase down on the Wharf. "They'd disagree with us, but they'll live."

He roared with laughter. "You're so right, hahaha, we like the cold."

Just then, two buses pulled up. 

He held the door open for a handful of folks to get out. I said good bye, told him to have a great day, and got on the bus behind.


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