Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Bus Report #91

This morning I missed the 38 by a minute, so I ended up waiting for a while at the stop. I had company: the sweatshop ladies, the casino-bound seniors, and some obsessive 38bx riders.
10 minutes later I was on an empty 38. We made good time to Fillmore, so I was able to catch the 22. I ran super fast to catch it, but since it was the shaved-head-clark-kent-glasses driver, he waited for me. I smiled and said good morning, then I went to sit down.
It was an uneventful ride. The tall guy was folded into a window seat. One of the moms and her little girl was on the bus, and the little girl has shiny new glasses. Sarah, the Mayor of 16th Street (very friendly woman who does great art at Creativity Explored) got on and everyone said hi and made a space for her.

At Potrero I got out and walked, and fell in step with Mod Jolene who was also walking to work. We walked, and chatted. She is looking to buy a scooter. I can already see exactly how she will trick it out, and what she will wear to ride it. Mod style, of course!

Fare Hike Part II

Yesterday afternoon I waited for the bus with a regular we will call Debbie. Debbie works around the corner from me and she is usually a pretty happy lady. We got going on the fare hike, though, and she turned vicious (towards MUNI and BART, not towards yours truly) She and I talked about how unfair the fare hike is, how to fix it, and decided that we should be on the transportation and MUNI boards. Since we actually use public transit, which I doubt the MUNI board people do.
We also remarked on how gorgeous the fog looked as it rolled over Potrero Hill. It was like a rug unfurling itself. Cool.


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