Friday, April 04, 2008

Bus Report #311

As seen out the window of the 19 Polk, at 7th and Market after my overly-cologned seat mate left:
A barbershop next to the cash checking place, with photos of Johnny Depp, Jack Nicholson and John F. Kennedy among others, displayed in the window. (So you can walk in and say, "I'll take the Depp cut, please!")

Also spied along the way:
Polk Street Station, one of the cutest diners (now defunct) is soon to become Booth, a super trendy, cold-and-clinical-looking yuppie brunch spot. Ugh.

A crowd outside O'Reilly's, smoking, looking at Miss K. and I expectantly as we walked by with a large cake and flowers. Not for you, O'Reilly's!


I went in to You Say Tomato to get a few things, and it looks like they may have just re-stocked. Lots of UK brands of candy and more tea than usual. Get over there!


Blogger toddx said...

Bad news about Polk Street Station. Alas.

12:31 AM  

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